

Université de Strasbourg – EM Strasbourg Business school

The first Double Degree agreement. EM Strasbourg Business School is the only French Business School to be part of a multidisciplinary academic centre of excellence: the University of Strasbourg. Member of HERMES from 1997 (Founder), benefiting from an EPAS accreditation for its Programme Grande Ecole.
Every year, EM Strasbourg Business School hosts around 500 exchange students within the framework of our cooperationagreements with over 230 partner universities worldwide. The type and outcome of these exchanges vary according to the specific cooperation agreement concluded with each partner university.

Study plans MEGI – MELI

MEGI – MELI in progress

Study plan MIBE – IM-DM-SM –

MIBE-IM International and European Business
(spec. International sales and distribution)
MIBE-DM International and European Business (spec. Digital strategy)
MIBE-IM/DM MKT2 – Operational and Strategic marketing

Study plan MEDI

MEDI Finance

The specialisation options written above also apply to the next academic year.

In EM-Strasbourg, a maximum of 3 (three) Double Degree students can be accepted in each specialization.

Grading conversion table 2023-2028

Clermont School of Business

The Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont has made a solid place for itself since its creation in 1919. Firmly open to the world around, the Group ESC Clermont has built strong relationships with regional and international economic stakeholders, partnerships with 100 establishments in more than 50 countries and has enriched its faculty by receiving professors and researchers who are strongly committed to the life of the school. New programmes has been recognized by the government since its inception, the visa ‘Programme Grande Ecole’ was renewed in 2009 for 6 years and the rank of Master in 2010 for a period of 5 years.
Accredited by AACSB, EPAS, AMBA and CGE, the school differentiates itself through its quality of teaching, innovative approach to management, proximity with the corporate world and strong network of international partner universities. In the 2024 the institution has been rebranded as Clermont School of Business

For the 2025-2026 academic year, the following specializations will be available at Clermont School of Business for the Double Degree program:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Digital Marketing
  • Financial Engineering and Innovation in Finance
  • Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Each specialization represents 18 ECTS, and students are free to choose the one that best aligns with their academic and professional goals.

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iaelyon School of Management – Université Jean Molin

The IAE Lyon is a leading university business school, created in 1956, awarding state recognised degrees, combining the advantages of a management school with relevant research input. IAE Lyon is one of the largest business schools in France and the only one of its kind to offer a range of courses covering all fields of management from Bachelor’s, Masters, Executive MBA, to Ph.D. level in an international and professional environment.

M.Sc. International Management – Master’s Degree International Business Realities Program

  • The master thesis: students have to write a thesis made of the following sections: intro, literature review, a methodology, an empirical section, a discussion (including managerial contributions) and conclusion/limits & perspectives (+ bibliography…)
  • The final exam (professional experience, thesis and defense) involves 10 ECTS (8 for the thesis and 2 for the 6 months internship). To pass this exam, master 2 students should meet the following conditions (if one of these condition is not met, they will not be able to graduate):
    1. An overall average grade of at least 10 out of 20 in all 2 semesters,
    2. A mark of at least 10 out for 20 for the internship (company evaluation)
    3. A mark of at least 10 out for 20 for the thesis (faculty evaluation)
    4. A mark of at least 10 out for 20 for the defense (jury evaluation)
  • Students have to attend to the two courses titled “Methodology of the final thesis” (attendance being compulsory – regardless the nature of the course – for all our master students).
  • Internships: internships start at the end of February – beginning of March.

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Université Clermont Auvergne – UCA

The Université d’Auvergne hosts 17000 students in three major domains: medicine, tertiary (law, economics, management), and technical trainings.

The School of Economics provides courses for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students. The Bachelor’s degree covers a wide range of subjects in law, economics and management. The masters programs on offer, which concern about three hundred students, are strongly connected with the research carried out by the CERDI (Research laboratory: center for studies and research in international development). The Master’s program offers a range of specialized subjects open to either full time students or working professionals: health policies, sustainable development, public finance, project analysis, development economics, international economics and finance, regional economics, economic policies management, project management…

Master Economie du développement

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University of Hohenheim – HOH

Founded in 1818, after the devastating famine, the University of Hohenheim is not only engaged in foundational research but traditionally also in developing innovative solutions for urgent social matters.

Today, the University has a unique profile, a wide international network, and works with distinguished specialists from all fields. The history, the mission statement, and a defined strategy lead the way for the further development of the University.

Info links at Hohenheim website

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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

The Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen is one of Europe’s oldest universities. Several hundred years of history in the sciences and humanities have been written here.   The University’s history began in 1477, when Count Eberhard “the Bearded” of Württemberg founded the University. Innovative. Interdisciplinary. International – these three words sum up what makes the University of Tübingen one of Germany’s top universities.

Info links at Tübingen website

Mastermodulehandbuch 2023-24
In this document the student can find all English courses divided by each focus, and related course content

Grading conversion table

Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg

The University of Bamberg is both old and young. Its current structure and facilities create the appearance of a newly founded institution, but it also remains committed to the traditions of its long history. As an internationally renowned research centre, the University of Bamberg is committed to the academic exchange of knowledge and ideas, and it promotes networking and partnerships with foreign universities and research institutions. For years, foreign exchange opportunities, special degree programmes and interuniversity partnerships have drawn foreign students to Bamberg and led Bamberg students abroad.

Specific information about language skills:
If the student nominated for the DD program with Bamberg has no German skills, Bamberg can accept him/her as a student but must do so with certain constraints.

These are:

  • the student must start a German course at the latest when matriculating at Bamberg and must reach an A1 level in order to graduate. As of today, the University of Bamberg can provide him/her with a free course if he wishes;
  • The student must follow a curriculum strictly in English as outlined in this PDF. Individual courses may not be available, which means the student may not always be free to choose from all of the courses listed;

The student will only be accepted into the double degree program and cannot advance to one of our regular degrees before demonstrating a German level of at least B2.

The next step in coming to Bamberg is to register as a regular student. The student will do this through the online application tool prepared by the University of Bamberg and the supervisor will guide students through the entire process.

Grading conversion tool

Technische Universität Dresden – University of Dresda – TUD

The Faculty of Business and Economics counts around 2.500 students. The spectrum of degrees offered is especially broad, with two Bachelor programs (Business and Economics, Business and Economics Education), two Diploma programs (Industrial Engineering, Wirtschaftsinformatik) and five Master programs (Business Administration, Economics, Business and Economics Education).
With a total of 22 chairs and 2 juniorprofessorships   representing the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Wirtschaftsinformatik, research at the faculty covers a wide diversity of topics and is characterized above all by an interdisciplinary and distinctly methodology-oriented perspective.

Master of Business Administration – MIBE

Master in Economics – MEDI (taught all in English from 2024/2025)

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Université de Fribourg

The University of Fribourg is a place where learning, research, employment and events all happen at the same time. Its innovative force makes it an important mover in the commercial and cultural life of the region. The University of Fribourg encompasses five faculties where people study, teach and research. These are Arts and Humanities, Science, Economics and Social Sciences, Law and Theology. The approximately 10,000 students in the Bachelor, Masters and PhD programs receive first-class personal support from over 800 professors, lecturers and research assistants.

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Universidad de Sevilla (TEMPORARLY SUSPENDED)

University of Seville is a public institution with more than 500 years of experience in knowledge management. It is the main public University in Andalusia, with the highest number of students (more than 65,000).the US combines the values of tradition with being an innovative institution of quality and excellence. It is a university as cutting edge and cosmopolitan as the city of Seville itself. It is an institution committed to quality and excelence, with the European Certificate of Quality for the EFQM model of Excellence, and distinction as a Campus of International Excellence.

  • Agreement
  • Amendment of agreement


Grading conversion table

Universidad de Alcalá – UAH (SUSPENDED)

The University of Alcalá offers degrees in five branches of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, Sciences, Health Sciences, and Engineering and Architecture. Has three campuses: Historical Campus houses the humanities, architecture, the social sciences and law; Guadalajara Campus 25 kilometres to the east, the Guadalajara Campus is well-connected with both Alcalá de Henares and Madrid. A variety of degrees in the Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Architecture are taught here.

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University of Vaasa

The University of Vaasa educates responsible leaders and experts for the needs of the future. The education and research that the University provides is wide ranging, spanning from business studies, administration, and technology, to languages and communication.
The faculty of Business Studies is one of the largest in its sector in Finland. Internationality is visible in the constantly increasing number of international students and staff. Our key areas of research have been internationally awarded.

At the moment Vaasa has two master’s programmes available for double degree students from Pavia:

  1. International Business – Sustainable Global Business
  2. Strategic Business Development (new from spring 2023)

The first DD programme is open for Pavia MIBE programme for all tracks and the second for those who are in the tracks DM and SM.

In both programmes there are some compulsory courses that need to be chosen, and you can find this information available in our website

Master of Science in international Business

Master of Science in Strategic Business Develpment

Grading conversion table

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology – LUT

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT) is a pioneering science university in Finland, bringing together the fields of science and business since 1969.
Our international community is composed of approximately 6,500 students and experts engaged in scientific research and academic education.
Clean energy and water, circular economy and sustainable business are the key questions of humankind to which LUT seeks solutions through technology and business.
LUT has a tradition of strong links with the business community. The Finnish business journal “Talouselämä” has ranked LUT as the best university in business technology cooperation in Finland. We promote business generated by scientific research. This is demonstrated by the university’s own investment company Green Campus Innovations, which supports LUT’s research-based start-up companies. We aim to be a forerunner in education by securing international quality labels for our degree programmes as a sign of excellence in the teaching.

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University of Szeged

Since the 1994 launch of the higher education in Economics and Business Studies, we have improved greatly in our education and research capacities and outputs. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, formed as an independent Faculty in 1999, has by now become one of the solid bases of Hungarian higher education in Economics and Business Studies, enjoying persistent popularity among student applicants. The systemic quality development activities of the Faculty known for its innovative solutions was highly appreciated by the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Committee during the 2010/2011 accreditation process carried out at the University of Szeged, an institution rewarded by the Higher Education Quality Prize in 2009.


Study plan

MSc International Economy and Business

Grading conversion table

HEC Management School – University of Liege – HEC-ULg

HEC Management School – University of Liege With its prime location in the hub of Europe, the HEC Management School – University of Liege (HEC-ULg) has a long intellectual tradition coupled with a corporate culture and links with the business community. HEC-ULg has 2,384 students and 15 research units and centres, which are active across Europe in the various fields of management.

HEC-ULg is EPAS-accredited for three of its programmes: its ‘Doctoral Program’,  its ‘Master in Management’, which offers eight specialisations and its Master in Business Engineering (4 specialisations). HEC-ULg is the first management school in Belgium to receive an EPAS quality label for a PhD programme.

Grading conversion table

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics – SWUFE

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University of Economics in Bratislava – EUBA (CANCELLED for our Finance students)

Academic and research activities within the Faculty have been focusing on macroeconomic theories, corporate finance, microeconomic theories, banking, taxation, insurance, public finance, corporate and international finance, social and regional development and public administration. There is also focus on implementation of information technology into individual management and decision making processes with the goal of preparing conceptual experts for all levels of the national economy.
The Faculty occupies a permanently important position in Slovakia regarding the education of economists and national economists. It provides for high quality university education in accredited study programmes in high demand by a great variety of market segments it prepares high quality professional economists able to contribute to further formation of economic theories and to successfully deliver in a variety of economic areas, especially in finance, banking, economic policy and social sciences.

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Athens University of Business and Economics – AUEB

The Department of Statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business was founded in 1989. Its purpose is to provide innovative and high quality undergraduate and postgraduate education in probability and statistics. Every year 120 undergraduate students are accepted and two postgraduate courses are run.
The department has an international reputation for development of statistical methodology that has grown from its history of active contributions to research and teaching in statistics.
Our taught MSc Statistics (one-year, full-time course), MSc in Applied Statistics (two-year, part-time course) and MSc in Quantitative Management of Actuarial and Financial Risk (two-year, part-time course) courses offer specialist training in applied statistics.
We welcome PhD applications from students with an excellent MSc qualification and an interest in many areas of statistics like Bayesian statistics, stochastic modeling, financial mathematics, actuarial statistics or multivariate statistics.

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Universidad de Cádiz

With the constitution of its first Senate, the 30th of October 1979 marks the birth of the University of Cádiz (UCA), reaching the climax of a long process of demanding a university institution that would recuperate, the fruitful tradition of superior studies initiated and developed with the support of maritime and commercial activities in modern and contemporary times for Cádiz and its province.

In the recent years the institution has work hard to face the rising demand for superior studies, currently, we have around 22.000 students. As a result of an ambitious multi-annual programme, the UCA has undertaken in a decided way the necessary infrastructures to convert itself into a university quality. Since 1990 the following infrastructural projects were executed: the new Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, the Superior Andalusian Complex of Marine Studies, the Faculty of Economic and Business Studies, the Faculty if the Sciences of Work and the Aulario La Bomba, all these forming part of the Campus of Cádiz

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Stevens Institute of Technology – Hoboken New Jersey – New York – USA

Stevens Institute of Technology is a student-centric research university, with technology at its core. Our three schools and one college uniquely prepare students for bright futures in diverse fields including tech, finance, medicine, energy, engineering — even art and music. Stevens is driven by the idea of building a better future through innovation and technology. Our hands-on experiences, industry-leading internships and cooperative learning opportunities establish a strong foundation for our students’ success. Our vibrant campus sits across the river from New York City, opening the door to endless opportunity and adventure. There’s never a dull moment on campus — with fraternities and sororities, clubs, athletics and arts, every student can pursue their passions beyond the classroom. With 35 undergraduate majors, 58 master’s degree programs and 20 Ph.D. programs, your potential is limitless. When you enroll at Stevens, your dreams are in reach and we’re here to help make them a reality.



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Lancaster University Management School – LUMS – United Kingdom

Lancaster University is among the best in the UK and rank highly in international league tables such as the QS World Rankings.
The Lancaster Vision is to be a university that is globally significant – a sector leader and innovator that delivers the highest quality research, teaching and student experience, and that engages locally, nationally, and internationally. The Purpose is to advance knowledge, wisdom and understanding through the excellence of our teaching and research. By engaging with others, Lancaster will use our collective intellectual and wider capabilities as a force for good and create positive economic, cultural, societal and environmental change.

Master courses in LUMS

Universidade do UNIVALI do VALE do ITAJAI’ – Brazil

Univali is a community-based, non-profit institution of higher education renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and significant contributions to the socio-economic and cultural development of Santa Catarina, being one of the largest universities in the state.
Univali offers a diverse range of 75 undergraduate courses, including 21 programs with Double Degree options in Spain, Italy, the United States, Colombia, Argentina, and Peru.
Moreover, it provides 18 master’s and doctoral programs in various fields of knowledge, solidifying its international reputation for educational quality and research excellence. The courses are divided into schools of knowledge, which are known as: School of Business, Education and Communication, School of Health Sciences, School of Legal and Social Sciences, Polytechnic School.
Univali has been developing internationalization strategies since 1993, when its International Affairs Office was created. Since then, it has stablished strategies to achieve the ethno-cultural diversity of the campuses, most of them based on cooperation agreements with educational institutions and other entities from various countries. There are currently 170 active agreements, with HEIs from several countries, such as Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United States and Uruguay.