Incoming students

Welcome to University of Pavia!


In order to apply for our Double Degree period at the University of Pavia during the year 2024/2025, incoming students have to be nominated from their home university. 


IMPORTANT: No application will be accepted unless we have received an official nomination from a partner institution. 

Application procedure for Double Degree incoming students takes place in two steps: 

Step 1 
Before departure, nominated student has to finalize the Double Degree Admission procedure at this link: 

Online procedure will be opened on JUNE 5th, 2024 


Online procedure will be closed on JULY 5th, 2024 

Step 2 

Related to this step, you will receive information regarding enrolment procedure after you receive your admission letter issued by University of Pavia. 


To get more detailed information about University of Pavia institution, please refers to: University of Pavia 


After arriving in Pavia, has to come to Double Degree coordinator office, fixing an appointment by mail to receive support about issues met.


Students must abide by the lesson timetable and exam timetable on this website in order to organise their academic activities during their stay. The 1st semester begins (updated soon).
Visiting students will have access to all the services offered by Department of Economics and Management and by University of Pavia, after their enrollment procedure, which will be finalized in not less than fifteen days after the arrival. In particular, library organises information days aimed to incoming students, to clarify the procedures of consultation, borrowing and researching information within University library system.
According to the agreements with each Partner you can enrol in the first or in the second year of study.

After your enrolment at University of Pavia, when you have received your personal username and password given you by informatics system (around mid-November), you will also connect to kiro platform, in which you can find information and materials for each course of our Dept.
About the contents of the classes (module Handbook), you can find all information at course catalogue link.

If you want to know whole details about University of Pavia, accommodation, living costs, etc., please visit Welcome Point website.

See, also, the link of EDISU (only in Italian) to participate to the announcement for accommodation in our colleges. (new announcement will be published around last 10 days of July). See also: University of Pavia housing


Students who have attended the first year in Pavia, in any case must fill in the 2nd year of study plan, when they receive the email as a reminder from the student secretary. Typically the submission period is mid-October to early November.

Co-supervisor request and antiplagiarism that will be delivered by mail, complete in all its parts, at the Double Degree office to Mr. Federico Franceschini. The student will have to look for a second Italian supervisor, who will be informed about the progress of the student’s work and will also support him/her during the final discussion in front of the Degree Committee.
The DD students must put, in the Co-supervisor form, the name and mail of both supervisors, first and second. Double Degree office could get in touch with home supervisor’s university for a confirmation. Without this information the request will be rejected. These obligations are not expected for foreign students coming from partner Universities that do not provide for a double speaker.

All Double Degree students must undertake to deliver to the DD office an evaluation report of the thesis, if it is submitted before at home/host University, at least 15 days before italian graduation session. Without this home/host university evaluation report the student will not be admitted to the graduation session. This evaluation report may consist of a mark or a brief evaluation in the form of an analysis. The report or transcript or records with the master thesis grade has to be sent to:

As regards the conversion of the marks, this is the formula that will be applied: the marks of the exams got abroad will be converted in according to the conversion tables of marks established between partners. It is possible that the resulting conversion grade corresponds to a value range of marks of italian marks, in this case will be choosen the minimun or maximun value taking into account the overall performance of abroad studies.
It’s easy that the number of credits of single foreign exams doesn’t correspond to italian number of credits, and it’s likely may encounter the following three cases:

  • the number of credits of foreign exam is slightly lower than Italian exam to be converted, [e.g., 4,5 ECTS => 6 CFU]. It is possible to maintain this conversion credits ratio (if the total credit conversion is balanced [e.g. 35 ECTS => 35 CFU]) ;
  • the number of credits of foreign exam is lower than Italian exam to be converted, [e.g., 3 / 6 ECTS => 9 CFU]. In this case, the student has to merge more foreign exams. It will be calculated the weighted average of marks obtained on the foreign exams considered and the result will be converted into the Italian mark, in according to the conversion grade table established between partners;
  • the number of credits of the foreign exam is higher than that of the Italian exam to be converted, [e.g. 9 ECTS => 6 CFU]. In this case, and if necessary, the remaining credits of the foreign exam can be added to other foreign exams to convert the remaining Italian exams. In the case in which, at the end of the conversion, some extra foreign credits result, at the indisputable discretion of the commission that deals with the conversion, it will be possible to attribute some extra points among the votes already attributed. The conversion will be calculated according to the conversion table established between the partners.